What Are The Top Trends In IT Affecting Our Lives?

Technology has been affecting our lives in almost each and every way possible. It has made it to each and every aspect of our lives and for a common person, thinking of a day without technology in this era is unimaginably impossible. Come to think of a situation where you have to choose between reading about advancement in technology and entertainment, 80% of the readers would divert their attention towards technology based on the fact that it is something we have to collaborate with every day.

We are going to go through some of the latest technology trends in this article to shed some light over where our lives are headed.


Cloud is the trendiest thing in the tech world which the world is moving towards with an extremely swift pace. The benefits that cloud are providing businesses are just numerous which includes the reduction in hosting and hardware costs, accessibility and availability, enhanced collaboration and an increase in productivity.


Internet of Things of the concept of connected devices is something that I believe everyone must have heard by now. The concept has been implemented in several areas and places and it is still on the rise. The idea of smart home where you don’t have to worry if you left your Air Conditioning on since you were in a hurry for office because you can now turn off the Air Conditioning with the use of your Smartphone device over the internet. IoT is certainly something that will soon make it to our lives based on the ease that will bring along with it.


Entertainment such as movies and games play a crucial part in our lives. After all, we need to calm ourselves after a hectic day at work or continuously working for a week on those exams. AR and VR are the technologies that have fueled the flame of actually being the character in your favorite game of enhanced the gaming experience by engraving a person within a game itself. With a bunch of products already rolling in the market, the future of AR and VR looks promising for sure.


Security is one of the biggest concerns in the digital world, whether it is people spying on each other or hacking into someone’s personal data. Multinational companies are highly concerned about the integrity and safety of their data, which is the reason they are willing to pay fortunes for the right person. Moreover, with the growth of IoT, hackers have the leverage to pave their way into someone’s personal space with great ease which is another reason for keeping the cyber security on the peak of the IT trends.